Friday, March 26, 2010

What a champ.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 找啊找啊找朋友 找到一个好朋友 敬个礼呀握握手 你是我的好朋友
Stranger: hi
Stranger: fuck 有
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I met my wife today in crazyville.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello love
Stranger: hiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Stranger: my lover?? YOUR BACK?
Stranger: from outer space
You: of course!
You: i was on neptune!
Stranger: :O what were you doing then precious???
Stranger: you best not have been cheating on me.
You: i am a neptune knight now
You: nope, just out on a space crusade
You: i could never cheat on you, my sugar muffin pie
Stranger: phew. you should of brought me along dear.
You: sorry
You: i didn't want you to be in space-danger
You: from the space-lions
Stranger: i thought you killed them when you went there last?
You: no no no
You: those were space-tigers
You: they look similar
Stranger: ohhhh. well my husband, i understand. im glad we finally get to talk again (L)
where are you now my cream pie of love?
You: i am in my wifi-capable space ship, coming home to our fun little house to make sweet sweet spaceman love to you, my mushy gushy gumdrop honey pie wifey boo
Stranger: oh god.
Stranger: honey, a space-rhino just walked into our living room.
Stranger: RUN!
You: wait, our earth room?
You: get the space rhino tranq!
You: hurrrrryyyy
Stranger: oh yes! i always forgot we keep one of them under the couch!
Stranger: i zapped him honey! we're safe! :)
You: we also have space rhino insurance
You: YAY
You: i'm glad my lovey-pops is safe
You: and how is little arthur h. mcflannaginheim sleeping? like a baby?
Stranger: oh yes, you'd be so proud of him! he has a young girl up there with him :)
Stranger: even though hes 3, i think hes making love.
You: OOOOOOOOO wow. our son is a little stud.
You: of course
Stranger: we brought them up in a good way.
You: with our strong genes, its natural that he'd be baggin space-ladies left and right at his age
Stranger: im so proud of him :)
You: so, how was your day, puddin popz?
Stranger: its been great, been missing you lots though my cream pie :(
You: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Stranger: do you know when you'll be home?
You: hopefully NOW
You: oh crap
You: well then maybe in a few hours
You: the commute is rough today
You: asteriods and stuff
You: *asteroids
Stranger: oh, dont worry dear. you fight those asteroids and save me and our little Arthur for when the Earth is safe.
You: awww you're such a good space-wife. i'm so lucky.
Stranger: im so lucky to have such a great space-husband who loves me so much :D thankyou space husband! i will be going now, im glad we had this talk. ill see you very soon my beautiful cream pie!
You: yay!
You: bye bye my muffin lovey pile
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was disappointed!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: men älskling vi ska alla en gång dö
You: hello
Stranger: hahaha no sweden
Stranger: were are u from
You: oh well that sucks
You have disconnected.

That's what you get for insinuating that I am stupid.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: what do you want?
You: yo
You: i want some foooood
Stranger: haha
Stranger: me to!
You: word
Stranger: american?
You: yepper
Stranger: thought so.
You: why is that? the food?
Stranger: no..'word'
Stranger: :P
You: haa
You: yep
Stranger: such an americal word to say
Stranger: *american
You: that it is
You: well, i'm colloquial on here
You: we use more non-formative idiom
Stranger: whats colloquial?
You: yeah fuck you
You have disconnected.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

There has been a distinct shortage of funny lately. I blame this champ.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: please god say something funny.
You: i;m desperate
You: *i'm
You have disconnected.

I hope this is true.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 22, m, usa. got anything crazy to say?
Stranger: im in love with my boyfriends exgirlfriend.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This was not the desired result of this experiment, but it worked out pretty well.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: sun ra
Stranger: hornyyy
You: well, we are into different things, then.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Oh. I guess not.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: horny f?(with cam and msn)
You: hello friend. do you know the good news of jesus christ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I love to do this when people walk away and leave the camera on.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yeah bro, protein!

This kid then proceeded to troll the hell out of me. AFTER MAKING THAT FACE. Yeah.


The chat text makes this one.


This will never get old.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi if u are female :)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This is what happens when you tell lies, kids.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: is your name libby?
Stranger: yeah
You: sorry, i want a non-libby
You: bye
You have disconnected.

How did he not see this coming?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: oh hay hunny
You: thanks for calling me beautiful
Stranger: Once I was a boogy singer.
Stranger: Playing in a rock and roll baaand.
Stranger: I never had no problems.
Stranger: Burning down the one night stands.
Stranger: And everything around me
You: most people think that because i have male genitals and a full beard and a deep voice, i can't be a pretty girl. but i'll show them.
Stranger: hahaha
You: nice song, btw
Stranger: Kindof of people don't talk to me when I say I'm an 83 year old man.
Stranger: I'm not, btw.
You: even if you were, i wouldn't really care.
You: i like to fuck with people on here.
You: mess, that is
You: not cyber
You: yuck
Stranger: Same here.
Stranger: I like to fuck with people everywhere.
You: yes, me too
You: but this is just easy
You: incidentally, i feel like both of us are used to being disconnected by this point in a chat.
Stranger: I usually am after the first thing I say.
You: me too
Stranger: So I never no what to say when people actually stay to talk.
Stranger: know*
You: yeah, me either
Stranger: Wtf, I forgot how to spell.
You: you know what would make this easy for both of us then?
Stranger: What?
You have disconnected.

Sorry for the offensive subject matter of my quadra-personalitied chatmate, but this was too good to pass up.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: O HAI
Stranger: You suck
Stranger: I hope you die.
You: i know
Stranger: :\
You: i'm sorry
You: i'll try
Stranger: Here's the knife.
You: are you gonna ascii a knife?
You: because that would rock
Stranger: I'M A RHYHORN :D
You: do you like to do gasoline intravenously, or just inhale the fumes?
Stranger: I do cocaine.
You: also a good choice
Stranger: Just like fucking little boys:]
Stranger: *cough*
You: oh, see, you're a big liar
Stranger: Are you calling me fat? :(
You: i have a question, by the way
Stranger: Yes babe? <3
You: why do you hate me so?
Stranger: Because I'M A JEW
You: because i love you
Stranger: I LOVE JEWS :D
Stranger: Haha :]
Stranger: Never gonna give you up.
You: well that's nice of you
You: i, however, am going to give you up
Stranger: Never gonna let you down.
You: because i think you are crazy
You have disconnected.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's funny when I get owned, too.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: hello there.
Stranger: Asl
You: how about if you go first. i'll feel better
Stranger: Ok 15 m tx
Stranger: U
You: welllll. 22, m, pa
You: so thats fine then.... i guess
You: usually, people disconnect right away. because i'm not a horny webcam girl or whatever
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Liar, liar.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: what's up?
Stranger: just smokin crack with my babies. you?
You: just getting lied to on omegle. how's that all working out?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I don't think finding waldo is this guy's biggest problem...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: waldo?
You: nope. i'm his brother baldo.
Stranger: fucking bitch!!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This took six minutes.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i have to be at the doctor's office soon. i should go.
Stranger: Why didn't you go, yet, then?
Stranger: For the odd chance of someone disconnecting at you?
You: because this is so much fun.
You: well, actually, you kind of suck.
You have disconnected.

This person deserves a medal for humor.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: can you play guitar, my boy?
You: yes i can
Stranger: not what i was looking for, sorry.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Who says you can't reason with the murderously insane?

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night. One who shines like gold upon the Sea Of Chaos. A void within everything. The source of all Chaos. One who has dominion over all terrible dreams.
Stranger: yessss
You: is that about the singer from fall out boy?
Stranger: moe
Stranger: get it ?
You: i dunno. i think you might be nuts.
You: because i have no idea whats going on.
You: checking
You: that only vaguely makes sense. i have to say, you're scaring the hell out of me.
Stranger: lol?
You: lol indeed
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so you slol?
Stranger: lsol?
Stranger: laughing scared out loud
Stranger: lol
Stranger: maybe scared of laughing out loud?
You: so you did? and then i suppose you snorted the mixture through a straw?
Stranger: Yes sure
You: i knew it.
Stranger: I went to the hospital tomorrow do you want to have came?
You: so, i think your bottom line is: coccaine is a hell of a drug. am i right?
You: but yeah i'll go to the time-hospital with you
Stranger: Ok yesterday we will go
You: i'll have been there
Stranger: just make sure to be there today
You: well, of course. i won't have not been already there.
Stranger: because I think if you wait you might miss yesterday
You: i already didn'r.
You: *didn't
Stranger: so after one hour I was bored of tried to get too much
You: me as not well! sometime i blue with the toe sky!
Stranger: I red with it
You: ever sand to the rick moranis crackers?
Stranger: I red a good story with it
Stranger: nes
You: ah. excellent. i germany.
You: in wednesday, of course.
Stranger: really I meant to mean that it meant that I mondayed janril
Stranger: after I finish apriuary
You: surely? i was to toast or the eastern hemisphere. no dog. eat! eat!
You: i finished apriuary at today.
You: (tomorrow)
Stranger: before you marched into dbattle?
You: no. i has cotton liquor.
Stranger: with wooden fire?
You: of sauce!
Stranger: aha so you like to grill fire on wood it tastes so good with ice ofcourse?
You: no. ew.
You: you're gross
You have disconnected.

Honesty never works.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi. Are you a horny girl with cam or naked pics??
You: nope. i'm a big hairy dude who wants to talk about quantum mechanics.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I guess not...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey I'm 17 Male Canada, You?>
You: oOoOoOo baby!
You: 22, m, usa! you like furries?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

All over the damn place.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hillo
You: ho!
Stranger: hohoho..
Stranger: hows going
Stranger: i mean*
You: pretty good, santa. and you?
Stranger: im fine.. just call me Dan its allright ;)
You: that's a nickname i never heard for santa
Stranger: listen.. Not for being angry but im NOT.. SANTA ... IM A FREAKING POWER RANGER
You: yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say power santa. listen, i have a question for you: how do you maintain capital? how do you maintain your bottom line? how do you pay your elves? HOW CAN YOU AFFORD THIS PRESENT SHIT?
Stranger: i have magical power ..
You: freaky
Stranger: use your brain
You: ouch
You: santa's a bully
Stranger: no presents for you this year
You: oh come on, man. i'm just askin!
You: i'm curious!
Stranger: so... then u can have a Morgan Freeman DVD XXXX u know
You: for X's? is that like.... ultra-porn?
You: whoops
You: *four
Stranger: He is with Bruce Willies ;)?
You: is it actually bruce willis or is it a dude with a clever bruce willis-sex-pun name?
Stranger: bruce willis fuckd by morgan freeman XXXX-ultra porn version ultra effects ¨:))
You: well that's just insane
You: how'd they even get them to do that?
Stranger: you know..
Stranger: obama told them to do
You: so.... santa.... have you had a CAT scan recently?
Stranger: no son...but it clear that i dont have aids :)
You: hmmm. you should google "CAT scan"
Stranger: my mom told me not to do it
You: your mom is still alive? but aren't you like 9 billion years old or whatever?
Stranger: no coca cola bought a new santa.
Stranger: the other died.
You: oh shit
Stranger: on a car crash
You: do you look the same?
Stranger: of course..
Stranger: coca cola has cash $$$
You: so you got crazy surgery? this is nuts.
You: i can hardly believe this is 100% true.
Stranger: you should
You: i guess i have no real reason not to
Stranger: well can you keep a scret..
Stranger: secret
You: sure
Stranger: im gonna be on the next ''2 girls 1santa''
Stranger: but the 2 girls isnt girls but 2 black males.
Stranger: dont tell your mom or dad
You: why not?
You: they are huge fans!
Stranger: are u sure?
You: yep!
Stranger: then tell them.. but just them!!1
You: ok, i will
Stranger: what are is name yours??
You: WHAT?
Stranger: let me guess your name
You: ok
Stranger: then i can prov my magical power
You: right
Stranger: your name is......
Stranger: .....
Stranger: STRANGER
Stranger: im good
You: but i wouldn't expect anything less from super power ranger santa composite surgery man
You: :ODHP*DYPS(*ydhc9uishc;oixsh[98cy9zdsohc
You: wahhh!
Stranger: you are awesome son
You: thanks, santa-dad!
Stranger: no problemos..
Stranger: im accelty a pedofile.. Nobody has discovered yet ... i give little children presents for free, and im fat, my penis is little.
You: i kind of guessed
You: i called the police like six minutes ago. they're tracking your IP.
Stranger: NO SHIT
Stranger: Knock knock..
You: who's there?
Stranger: dis..
You: eh?
Stranger: then u say (dis whoo???)
You: ah ok
You: dis who?
Stranger: dis-connect
Stranger: HE HE
You: ok!
Stranger: no im just kidding
You: i'm not!
You have disconnected.

It took this guy almost four minutes to disconnect...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I cannot tell a lie.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hello
Stranger: how are you?
You: i am very tired
Stranger: oh how come?
You: haha almost 1am!
You: i've been up for six weeks smoking meth from a squirrel skull
You: you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Exacting specifications.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello, are you a 40 year old milf?
You: i am absolutely none of those things
Stranger: :|
You: sorry, bud
Stranger: It's life
You: i know it
You: have you tried porn?
Stranger: It only satisfies for so long...
You: i dunno
You: well, i'll take your word for i
You: t
You: anyway, good luck being creepy as hell. later gator.
You have disconnected.

Pattern Fail.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hay!
You: o hai
Stranger: o haii
You: roflcoptor
Stranger: where ya from?
You: oh man
You: you killed the pattern
You: killed it like a bitch
You have disconnected.

Preparedness is a great strategy.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i just asked how to dispose of a body
Stranger: yeah?
You: how's your day so far?
Stranger: its good. its over basically
Stranger: also i suggest cutting it up and burning it
You: i went with the old river method
Stranger: ohh. good thinkin.
You: acid is the best, but its expensive and draws attention
Stranger: yeah, and im pretty sure its harder to get.
You: so.... where do you live. exactly where. i need street addresses here.
You: because i have to practice
Stranger: hahaha you get the usa. thats as far as im telling you
You: man.
Stranger: sorry to ruin your plan
You: well, that's better than nothing
You: i suppose if i go door to door until i die i might find you
Stranger: i doubt that. or if you DO find my door it would be really awkward.
You: that's true
You: would have lost my will to kill by then, that's for sure.
You: probably be starving
You: i'd gladly take a sandwich
Stranger: haha probably. ill make sure to have one ready at all times when i answer the door
You: i'd be patient
You: i'd wait for you to make it
You: i like ham and cheese, btw
Stranger: ok. ill make sure too keep ham and cheese stalked up. you think youd want anything to drink?
You: probably just water
You: stay good and hydrated
You: oooo and dijon mustard for the sandwich
You: and none of that whole grain bread crap
You: for that, i would actually genuinely kill you
Stranger: well yeah. i never eat that shit anyways.
You: good
Stranger: and dijon is the way to go
You: excellent.
You: you will live until tomorrow
You: this was a test
You: and you passed
Stranger: why thank you good sir.
You have disconnected.

I really hope this was a joke...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: could you help me?
You: maybe
You: i'll try
Stranger: i had a sword fighting accident with my wife
You: ouch. this can't end well.
Stranger: and there's a big stain on the bed
Stranger: she's breathing still so it's okay
Stranger: but do you know anything that could remove the stain?
You: hmm
You: is it blood?
Stranger: yes
You: well, i think i can help
You: but first
You: she's cool right?
You: like... just a minor cut?
Stranger: yeah, she's good
You: alright cool
You: well then
You: soak the sheet in some very warm water
You: then get a tide stain stick and rub that shit in like a mofo
Stranger: should i do it in the bathtub or in my laundry room?
You: bathrub would probably be the most effective
You: then get some shout stain removing gel
You: and rub it all over the damn thing
You: then wash it in WARM water in the machine
You: and if the stain isn't out, repeat that whole deal
Stranger: should i get 2 tubes of the gel?/
You: and do so until the stain is gone
You: yes, you should
Stranger: okay
Stranger: what if the sword is still in her?
Stranger: should i pull it out or just leave it?
You: then, and only when the stain is gone, can you dry it
You: dammit, jim, i'm a laundry expert, not a doctor
Stranger: oh, sorry haha.
Stranger: i just dont want her to die
Stranger: even though it's minor
Stranger: ya know
You: well, you led me to believe it would be cool
You: if you're concerned, i suggest 911
Stranger: nono it's cool
You: they do a solid job, usually
Stranger: she's still breathing
Stranger: and i dont trust the police
You: everyone breathes until close to death
Stranger: fuck the police
You: best not to chance it
You: they would probably send an ambulance
You: no police
Stranger: they already arrested me for once
Stranger: i dont trust them too
Stranger: they put shit in the vaccines
You: well, friend, then you're in a rough spot
You: i suggest, at the very least, selling those swords to a pawn shop or something
You: sounds like they're nothing but trouble
Stranger: what if they're fakes?
Stranger: you think chumley will accept them?
You: well, if they're pointy and stabby then you gotta get rid of them somehow.
You: toss some peroxide on that stab wound too
Stranger: should i dig a hole?
You: for the swords?
Stranger: for the sword
Stranger: yes
You: no
You: too tempting
You: you'll dig them back up
You: you need to ditch them shits
Stranger: good point
Stranger: should i ditch it in the river by my house?
Stranger: the sword i mean
You: hmmm... if dumping is legal there, then i see no trouble with it.
You: just watch for swimmers and shit, if it's a big enough river
Stranger: okay it's kinda dark so i think its the perfect time
You: alright
Stranger: because there's no swimmers i mean
You: yep
Stranger: no other reason
You: well, good luck with your dead wife. you really are a shitty husband, bro.
Stranger: god damnit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I was totally convinced!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yoooooooooooo
Stranger: we meet again, trebeck
You: connery?
You: why can't you leave me alone!
Stranger: buck futter!
You: i can't believe you cut an album of filthy limericks
You: just to be on rock n roll jeopardy
Stranger: lol
Stranger: those were probably some of the best snl skits
You: you mean you aren't actually sean connery?
Stranger: nope, I'm roger moore
You have disconnected.

What? It's the truth!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i'm hairy
Stranger: Hey 14 f
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Called him on it!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 22, m, usa
You: pedobear?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

What? I Said I LOVE the food!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: chinese
You: i love your food
Stranger: thanks
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

The Best Girlfriend of All Time

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey........
You: hi........
Stranger: How are you.............
You: good........
You: you......
Stranger: That's good...........
Stranger: I'm good.........
You: indeed......
Stranger: Hold on one moment please...........
You: ok.......
Stranger: Alright..........
Stranger: I have returned.........
You: welcome back......
You: you were missed.....
Stranger: Thank you.......
You: can i borrow some dots......
Stranger: So how are you.....
Stranger: Hahha........
You: i'm running low.....
Stranger: Yes...............
You: thanks.......
Stranger: Take......
You: :)......
Stranger: You're welcome........
Stranger: I love you.............
You: i love you too........
You: marry me......
Stranger: I was just about to ask
Stranger: Yes.....
Stranger: i'll marry you.....
You: this is the happiest day of my life........
Stranger: Yay, me too........
Stranger: Where do you live..........
You: PA........
Stranger: OMG..
Stranger: ME TOO......
You: we can have the weddin anywhere though......
You: yay.......
Stranger: Which part?
Stranger: Oh my gd.
You: central........
Stranger: I've never met anyone on here from PA.
You: you lost your dots! the wedding is off!
You: but we can chat still
You: me either, by the way
Stranger: I live in the Eastern part
You: i wanna go back to dots..........
Stranger: But....
You: are you against dots......
You: because our differences will be too vast......
You: my father would never approve of our torrid love......
You: TORRID....
Stranger: It's not........
You: there's no need to pause.....
Stranger: I didn't........
You: ok......
You: good.....
You: who is the chick here......
Stranger: I'm eating a hot pocket, that's why........
You: because we need a ring........
You: ah......
Stranger: I'm the girl........
You: ok
You: ok......
Stranger: If you're a girl too, that's cool........
Stranger: I'll go either way
Stranger: ........
You: no.... i'm not.....
Stranger: just for you........
Stranger: Oh........
You: you're so swell.....
Stranger: Thank you,,,,
Stranger: oops........
You: it's ok....
You: our love lasts through commas.......
Stranger: I see where this is going,,,,,,,
You: really.....
You: because i have no idea.....
You: please tell me......
Stranger: Nevermind just forget it,,,,,,,
Stranger: I don't want to ruin what we have,,,,,,,
You: ok.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
You: dear, if we're going to be married we need to talk things out.......
Stranger: What is there to talk out about?,,,,,,,
You: where did you think this was going?......,,.....
Stranger: Vegas,,,,,,,
Stranger: To get married,,,,,,,
You: awesome!.......
You: by elvis-jesus........
Stranger: I'm pregnant,,,,,,
Stranger: We have children, yus,,,,,,
You: shotgun wedding......
You: wow, i don't even remember doin' it.....
You: were we wasted.......
Stranger: On watered down alcohol,,,,,,
You: thats a shame......
You: we need to meet each others folks.....
You: so they can approve......
Stranger: My dad will kill you,,,,,
Stranger: He won't approve,,,,,,,,,,,
You: aww......
You: why......
You: i am nice.....
Stranger: We'll marry secretly, and have this baby,,,,,,, because, i know him,,,,,,,
Stranger: pregnant on the first date,,,,,,
You: ok.......
Stranger: Such a shame,,,,
You: well, we've made it through commas, we'll make it through this..........
Stranger: No, I've made it through commas all alone,,,,,,,
Stranger: You didn't help out whatsoever
Stranger: ,,,,,,,,,
You: but, baby,,,,,,..,,,..,,,, i can learn,,...,,,,,
You: i'll try to change for you,,......,,,
You: just be patient...;;;;,,,,,,,
Stranger: WHAT,,,,,,,,,
Stranger: HOW DARE YOU,,,,,,,
You: i didn' mean it!..,,,,,,,
You: they mean nothing to me,,,,,,,,
You: look i did it,,,,,,,,,,,,
Stranger: I'm sorry, but I just can't forgive you,,,,,
Stranger: You broke your promise,,,,,,,,
You: but,,,, but,,,,,,
You: i,,,,, love,,,, you,,,,,,
Stranger: I don't know if I love you anymore,,,,,,,
You: well i will do whatever it takes,,,,,,,
Stranger: Alright,,,,,,,
Stranger: I'll make you a deal,,,,,,,,
You: ANYTHING,,,,,,
Stranger: So, we still get married but,,,,
Stranger: I can get a little '''''' on the side,',',',',','
You: :( because i love you, i will allow it,,,,,,
You: i can't bare to be without you,,,,, even if i must share,,,,,,,,
Stranger: Yes, yes thank you for your approval,,,',',',,''''' and if you want to get a little ;;;;; on the side, too, you can ,,',','''',,,,''',,,'''
You: oooo we're swingers,,,,,,,,,,
Stranger: I'm HIV positive........
Stranger: WHAT IS THIS
Stranger: NO
Stranger: NO,,,,,,,,..,.,,.,.,..,.,'.',.;,.;,'.;,'.;,'.;,.',;'.;',.;,'.;,'.;
You: i could never leave,,,,,,,,,
You: you mean too much to me,,,,,,,,
Stranger: But you just said........
Stranger: );.......
You: i changed my mind,,,,,,...'
Stranger: I have something i need to tell you..........
You: ok,,,,
You: anything, darling,,,,,,
Stranger: When I tell you I'm pregnant, it's with ''''''''''''
You: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: YOU..... WHORE.......
Stranger: WHAT?!?!!?........
You: i loved you!............
You: i gave you everything!...........
Stranger: We both made some mistakes.......................................
You: we shared our lives.............
Stranger: YOU WERE ABUSIVE!!!........
You: how so?.....
You: i thought i was so good.......
Stranger: No, you weren't.......
Stranger: You gave semicolon better treatment than I........
You: i never meant to hurt you......... would you be happier with ''''''''''''?.........
Stranger: I'm not sure........
Stranger: What we had, it was special.......
Stranger: Part of me still wants that.........
You: me too.....
You: more than anything..............
Stranger: I don't know how much we can take though........
Stranger: We both have some changing to do...........
You: are you suggesting we..... stop...... talking......
You: i would never go back to ;;;;;;;;. i promise........
Stranger: No............. I'm not suggesting that....... Just so things can go back to normal again and we can be our happy ol' selves again......
Stranger: I know you wouldn't babe :)........
You: welll............ ok.......
You: i would love that.....
Stranger: Yes, me too............ I'm so lucky to have you........
You: ditto, my dear.........
You: honeybuns..... i have to do some work..... but we can still talk.... i just need to get the swanson account closed by monday or old man jenkins will kill me......
You: so i might be a little less chatty......
Stranger: I know what you're doing.... You don't have work to do, you're going to bone that semicolon dare you.....
Stranger: This is goodbye....
Stranger: I hate you...........
Your conversational partner has disconnected.